Why Migrate to Liferay DXP?

Digital experience platforms are a priority for business leaders who aspire to optimize the customer lifecycle. The challenge is, there are numerous platforms to choose from. According to Forrester, application development and delivery professionals have “a discomfiture of riches” to facilitate them to deliver, manage, and optimize customer experiences. While options are plentiful, budgets are not, as leaders must also pick how to split their priorities between marketing, IT, and business. Nevertheless, an emphasis on a digital experience platform is still needed to improve the customer’s journey.

  • 80% of the buying process is predicted to occur without any human interaction by 2020
  • Sirius Decisions states that 67% of the buyer’s journey is now accomplished digitally
  • 53% of buyers turn to social media in their evaluation of various tools and technologies
  • 83% of customers need some customer service while making an online purchase

When mingled with the novel characteristics of modern digital business where customers can have more conversations than ever with companies of their choice, the lack of a supporting platform can be the difference between net new customers or a loss of competitiveness.

Attributes of the Modern Digital Platform – Liferay DXP

The modern digital experience platform is a blend of multiple digital strategies that backs web, social, customer support, email, and other components. Independently, these pieces are expensive and disjointed, eliminating the competencies needed for a robust and rewarding digital experience.

Forrester suggests applying unified platforms presented as an ecosystem of services and solutions that connect people, processes, objectives, strategies, and technologies. An ecosystem facilitates a piece of the customer’s journey but doesn’t necessarily “own” each touchpoint, rather than serving as a collection of puzzle pieces that work as one.

Migration to the Liferay Digital Experience Platform (DXP) is one of the most significant moves a business can make when switching from legacy technology. The effort level can vary significantly, from an easy task requiring running an existing plugin to an equally involved and complex development project demanding several staff-hours and resources. The question is: How can businesses know the level of effort required for their migration?

Liferay Digital Experience Platform

Liferay launched its Digital Experience Platform (DXP) to facilitate businesses to upgrade the creation and management of experiences that aids the end-to-end customer relationship. Liferay is noted for its reliable end-to-end performance that has been developed entirely in-house. Some key, high-level differences from prior versions in DXP encompass:


New, modular design enables businesses to design robust, adaptable, lightweight, and innovative systems for the digital world. Liferay’s functionality has been distributed into hundreds of modules, allowing the businesses to utilize only what they require for their project. The unrivaled level of extensibility generates an endless amount of possibilities

Upgrade Tool

A novel individual upgrade tool dramatically enhances the experience of upgrading Liferay installation to the latest version. Upgrading to DXP is now separated into Core upgrades and Module upgrades, the latter of which can be executed independently. Liferay DXP also has built-in safeguards against any errors that may occur during the upgrade process.

Single Page Applications

All applications on Liferay DXP are automatically configured as single-page, only loading necessary components. This ends up in reduced bandwidth usage, load times, and rendering time in the browser. Faster loading performance results in higher user retention and satisfaction.

As with any platform, business leaders will always be pushed to upgrade at some point. Let’s see four reasons why an upgrade and migration are in your business’s best interest as it protects and strengthens your digital experience investment.

The effort level can vary significantly, from an easy task requiring running an existing plugin to an equally involved and complex development project demanding several staff-hours and resources. The question is: How can businesses know the level of effort required for their migration?

Why should Enterprise Migrate to Liferay DXP?

Doesn’t matter if the remote work is a longstanding policy or an interim solution, employees require support to flourish. If you are interested in implementing an intranet that optimizes collaboration and performance from any location, reach out to one of our digital workplace experts.

• Improving Customer Journey

Market forces evolve faster than ever, compelling businesses to accelerate their innovation to keep up. Furthermore, the capability to unify operations, marketing, business, and customer service are critical components of every business. Those that upgrade and migrate their Liferay investment accomplish their business operational goals while lowering costs needed to go-to-market, creating much-needed business agility.

A platform migration adds the following capabilities:

  • Execution of Digital Strategy: At the heart of fast-tracked business results is fair process. Upgrading your investment in Liferay DXP offers businesses the ability to create and manage modular business processes, flexible workflow tools, and a scalable platform to meet evolving customer demand.
  • Audience Targeting and Management: With so much noise online, businesses want to reach the right customers with the right message. Liferay DXP has modernized audience targeting, enabling the creation of visitor segments based on metadata, including user profile custom fields, user language, IP address, sign-up date, and last login date. On the back end, businesses can utilize this data to generate reports for segments and campaigns, develop loyalty programs, offer customer onboarding, and filter out users.
  • Site Content Sharing: Liferay DXP can share different content pieces between child and parent sites. Being able to inherit content smoothly eases the burden of content creation.
  • Easy Content Creation: Authors now have access at any time to Liferay’s powerful authoring applications thanks to AlloyEditor, a visual content creation tool created with React.JS. The authoring application enables easy uploading of media content, an inline image editor, geolocation of web content, and multi-step staging for content review before publishing. AlloyEditor is also in Liferay DXP’s blogging application.

Integration with Employees and Partners: Employee advocacy is the new key to business success, having grown more than 200% since 2013, according to the Altimeter Group. Additionally, socially engaged employees are 27% more likely to feel optimistic about their business’s future and survival. Investing in Liferay DXP provides the advocacy platform to contribute to great internal and external community experiences.

• Effortless Asset Integration

Migrating to Liferay DXP offers businesses a blend of both fronts- and back-end solutions that negate the need to purchase a third-party system. Migrating to Liferay DXP involves the following benefits:

  • Integrated Digital Assets and Social Content: Liferay DXP involves support for common enterprise digital assets, eliminating the need to buy third-party systems. The platform facilitates a full document management system (DMS), including integration with SharePoint and Documentum, asset management for videos and images, and blogs, wikis, knowledge base tools, and forums.
  • Service-oriented Architecture (SOA): Business processes and businesses are complex, demanding that many pieces work in unison. Liferay DXP brings in an open SOA framework that enables the integration of existing HR, accounting, or sales systems that unify data for a complete organizational snapshot. Accessibility is further achieved through Liferay’s single sign-on (SSO) support.
  • Modern Experience: Web platforms must embrace smartphones becoming the device of choice for web accessibility for end-users. Liferay has incorporated the ability to build mobile portal platforms, aided with responsive design, push notifications, and pre-built interfaces. The addition of permissions and device sync lets your users access the data they need from their preferred platform.

• Business-ready Forms

Comprehending what your community and website require is fundamental to providing the experience to keep users coming back for more. Migrating to Liferay Portal opens businesses to new support for form creation, enabling advanced data capture while supporting built-in applications and extensions.

  • Technical Changes: Because of the new Liferay Forms application, several portlets are shifting from XML data to JSON to reach enhanced flexibility regarding containing additional data that XML could not provide.
  • Liferay Forms: Accumulating data is much more dynamic, with complex multicolumn layouts and the capability to span several pages. The new application offers more control over form fields, such as customizing fields or hiding them with visibility expressions.

• Developer Tools

Lastly, we touch on Liferay’s developer capabilities. Liferay DXP comes with several out-of-the-box resources and offers access to a wide variety of developer tools to extend platform capabilities and personalization further. The availability of code-driven and click-driven content building means that everyone can build an engaging digital experience.

  • Technical Add-ons: Developers can utilize the Liferay Developer Studio and Liferay Sync to develop personalization’s or manage multiple websites, respectively.
  • Blade Command Line Interface (CLI): Developers looking to produce new modules can use the Blade CLI to create new projects usable with any development environment.
  • Liferay Workspace: Liferay Workspace is a bespoke environment for modular development to hold and manage Liferay projects. Liferay Workspace is compatible with several development environments, allowing versatility for any team

How Can Businesses Switch From Their Current System to Liferay DXP?

Liferay DXP comprises an open framework and API, which can be utilized to use any data that businesses might have in your existing system. Migrating to Liferay DXP includes migrating your installation and code (your custom apps) to the new version.

Here are the high level steps to migrate to Liferay DXP:

1) Upgrade Development Environment
2) Migrate Plugins SDK Projects
3) Upgrade Build Dependencies
4) Fix Upgrade Problems
5) Upgrade Service Builder Services
6) Upgrade Customization Plugins
7) Upgrade Themes
8) Upgrade Frameworks & Features
9) Upgrade Portlets
10) Upgrade Web Plugins
11) Upgrade Ext Plugins

Way Forward

Exploring all the exciting advantages offered by Liferay DXP, no business can ignore it to create their business portals. One or another day, your business will expand, and you will need a smart and intuitive technology to build or migrate your portal. So, why not migrate to Liferay today and start availing its advantages.

These reasons are enough to explain the significance of the Liferay Digital Experience Platform and might make you migrate to Liferay from other portal technologies. If you are looking for someone to migrate your portal to Liferay, contact us or drop an email at connect@aixtor.com, and one of our agents will shortly get back to you with your queries.

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