Customer Portal for one of the Top Insurance Company in the US

Client Overview

  • Company provides insurance coverage and quotes services to enable agencies to personalize online experiences for policyholders, agents and internal staff.
  • Providing trusted, personalized auto and home insurance protection exclusively for educators, law enforcement, nurses and firefighters those who protect, strengthen and enhance the quality of life in American communities.

Business Needs

  • Complete makeover of public facing web site to Improve user experience for policyholders, agents and internal staffs
  • Provide personalized user experience depending on user e.g., policyholder or agent.
  • Integrate sales and marketing strategies online, that echoes the company’s core values and emphasis on quality service
  • Strong Content and Document Management with maker-checker workflow features
  • Enterprise architecture that interacts seamlessly with legacy and core systems also featuring Single Sign On (SSO)

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