Considering Customer Portal Solution for Manufacturing Business: 3 Essentials


A manufacturing business has many layers of work processes, which makes it sound complicated. Having a manufacturing customer portal will have lots of benefits for their digital business perspectives. Basically, a customer portal for manufacturing gives a separate workspace for accessing all the tools related to data management and order processing. Today, there is a need for a customer portal with an advanced digital strategy-making approach, which could promise productive business aspects in the future.

Do you have a shortage of new digital features in your manufacturing business?

Do you think your existing customer portal runs efficiently enough to handle all the data processing?

If your answers are yes and no, respectively, then you need to bring digital transformation to your manufacturing customer portal or customer portal. Here in this blog, we’ll explain how it’s done.


What is a manufacturing customer portal?

Basically, the prime task of a manufacturing customer portal is to make collaboration better with secure information sharing and fast responses. Tasks like easy data uploading, activity tracking, data organization, transactions and payments, data updates, etc. can be performed in a centralized format without creating any complications for the customer.

Running business smoothly through a manufacturing customer portal solution

Over the years, there have been drastic changes in the customer’s requirements based on the portal user experience. Now they want more of everything, and the brands are engaging in cutthroat competition to provide the best facilities and digital utilities. Thus, there has been a need to develop the essentials out of thousands of options so that the business strategy could be prepared well enough for the coming digital competition. Manufacturing business in terms of getting digital can get excessively complicated if not paid attention to the hierarchy and data processing.

To prevent this, here are the different essential layers you need to pay attention to as a multinational business owner:

3 Essentials for a successful manufacturing customer portal software:

1. A customer-built user experience

The thing to know here about the manufacturing customer profile is that even if they have an e-commerce section for the same, it would be very different from B2C e-commerce. The instant look and feel of the product, reviews, etc. go missing. 80% of customers expect the manufacturing B2B portal to deliver the same user experience as B2C e-commerce portals. Hence, the manufacturing customer portal must be able to support the complexity level at its utmost so that the customer does not feel left out for any kind of order tracking or detail-related purposes.

Offering real-time order status and shipping status

Did you know that 88% of buyers prefer to use self-service portals?

The reason is that the customer wants to take control of all the work in a larger amount; the left-outs would be automation-based works that the website and vendors will be responsible for. Under this come tasks like independently managing the accounts, setting up maintenance, remittances, notification details, etc. The more customers can perform on their own, the more empowered and secure they will feel. Later, this will have a lot of impact on the existing brand of your manufacturing business.

2. Delivering technology-based data personalization

Technology is all about making things easier for customers. as in ordering, order tracking, and data processing. Traditional data procurement may lead to manual errors, etc., but a highly automated customer portal streamlines this problem by simply reducing the data complexity and offering customers a more favorable buying experience. The impact of technology on manufacturing industry is that now customers can operate on features like personalized catalogs, bulk ordering tools, or setting up approval workflows themselves and purchase the product more quickly.

78% of customers are more likely to repeat the brand product if purchased via a smooth, tailored and robust user experience. That means more than half of your students aren’t going anywhere; you just must avail them of a one-click customer experience where everything will sound sorted, notified, and organized. This further helps in extending a great bond and a strong customer relationship.

Aixtor is a software development company offering digital solutions for your business’s specific needs. You can contact us anytime to transform your existing manufacturing portal or create a new, more reliable one! We duly check on your enterprise portal automation efficiency, process automation, process analysis, and other deployment-based actions to make sure your digital portal meets all the benchmarks of current digital transformation trends.

3. Project methodology

Lastly, we would have to consider the final productive approach to developing the ideal customer portal for our business. Most customer portals fail to impress their target audience when they don’t click on their favorites right from the start. Doing simple project management correctly will help the process a lot. Like coming up with a bullet-proof strategy regarding the ongoing customer portal, taking the feedback of the digital pundits over your unfinished portal, showing it off to your existing customers and seeking their opinion, etc.

Following this, you can also work optimistically on operating accordingly using that feedback. What your customers say matters a lot because that’s why they want to see your brand grow with all the possible digital amenities you could offer. The whole product methodology depends on these factors.

Bonus – Uniting Automation & Real time User experience in customer portals for manufacturers

Giving your customers a real-time user experience will initially provoke them to use your brand’s portal more often. $50 billion a year capital goes to manufacturers for maintenance issues, which clearly shows that it has become a rising and serious concern. The best thing about the self-service portals is that they provide IoT-based predictive maintenance and recommendations to maximize customer uptime.

65% of customers expect automation at some point in their customer journey. Automating business processes saves your team and customer’s time. Whether it means auto-filling data fields or claiming actionable insights, a customer portal should offer out-of-the-box tools to increase your support team’s efficiency. One of the top essentials of a manufacturing customer portal is to offer high-quality real-time order status, tracking, and shipment tracking status as well.


Adopting these three essentials will provide initial and foreseen benefits for the manufacturing customer portal-based business. Brands can offer better communication and improved collaboration by using the most prominent automation processes for sending and receiving order updates, feedback, and queries. Customers tend to remain active for a longer time when given a central space for storing all the project information. You can promise improved customer service through your client portal via endless automation-based facilities, from ordering to tracking and payments as well. Business is all about making loyal customers, and having good automation breakthroughs will surely yield a larger number of regular audiences.

Start a Project with Aixtor

Aixtor ensures high-range manufacturing portal services for your business ever!

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