Top Benefits of a Customer Portal for Telecom Utilities

What would you as a customer choose: waiting for 45 minutes to get your queries answered or go through the FAQ section, chat with the AI assistant, and find the solution to your query within 2-3 minutes? I am sure we all are too busy for option #1.

According to J.D. Power, more than two-thirds (69%) of telecom customers attempt to resolve their own technical issues before resorting to scheduling a visit with an in-home service technician. What does it alarm? The need to increase customer convivence for your telecom enterprise.

We are living in a world where connectivity is king and telecom companies face the challenge of meeting customer demands while staying ahead of the competition. Thus, where reliable and continuous connectivity is necessary, a well-built customer portal can be truly beneficial for companies and users.

From targeted marketing campaigns to product development initiatives, the possibilities are endless with a customer portal at your disposal.

Modern customers crave convenience in all matters, especially for telecom utilities and customer portal is the sure-shot way to give customers what they want. This blog includes all the answers to all your ‘whys’ and ‘hows’.
This article will dig into:

    • Top benefits of implementing a customer portal
    • Easy ways to improve the customer experience
    • Best ways to improve operational agility
    • Role of customer portals in improving overall system efficiency
    • Use valuable data insights to make informed business operations

So, buckle up, and let’s dive into the revolutions of customer portals for telecom utilities.

Benefits of a Customer Portal for Telecom

Why is the Customer Portal for Telecom More Important than Ever?

Gone are the days when telecom utility companies were just a name on a monthly bill. In modern times, consumers want more engagement from service providers.

Not only that, but customers also want their queries to be solved quickly with little or no hassle. They do not want to pick up the phone and stay on hold waiting for a customer service representative to talk to them.

Your customers need to use their devices to either find the solution to their query online or contact your business. If they are unable to find the solution, your business is on the verge of losing a customer.

Customers want to get access to the status of their accounts quickly, get notifications, current deals, etc., without calling your customer support portal. Hence, these factors make it necessary to have a self-service portal/customer portal for telecom companies to grow in this 21st Century.

What Role Customer Portal Plays in Telecom Industry?

  • First and foremost, a customer portal offers unparalleled convenience to telecom users. Gone are the days of long wait times and tedious phone calls to customer service representatives. With a customer portal, users can access a wealth of information and services at their fingertips, from checking their account status to managing their subscriptions, all with just a few clicks. This level of convenience not only enhances the customer experience but also boosts customer satisfaction and loyalty.
  • Furthermore, a customer portal serves as a gateway to proactive communication by providing users with real-time updates, notifications, and personalized recommendations based on their usage patterns and preferences. By keeping users informed and engaged, telecom companies can foster stronger relationships with their customers and drive increased engagement and retention rates.
  • Moreover, a customer portal offers invaluable insights into user behavior and preferences. From targeted marketing campaigns to product development initiatives, the possibilities are endless with a customer portal at your disposal. By analyzing data collected through the portal, telecom companies can gain valuable insights into user trends, preferences, and pain points. Armed with this information, companies can make informed decisions, tailor their offerings to meet user needs, and stay ahead of the competition.
  • Lastly, a customer portal empowers telecom companies to streamline their operations and drive efficiency. By automating routine tasks such as account management and billing inquiries, companies can free up valuable resources and focus on delivering exceptional service to their customers. Additionally, features such as self-service options and knowledge bases enable users to find answers to their questions independently, improving overall operational efficiency. With these benefits in mind, it’s clear that a customer portal is a game-changer for telecom companies looking to thrive in today’s competitive landscape.

Benefits of Customer Portal in Telecom Companies

Following are the top benefits of using the Customer Portal in Telecom Companies:

1. Provide Impeccable Customer Experience

Having a customer portal helps your telecom utilities to provide personalized, informative for better assessment. With the use of two-way communication tools and notifications, it also empowers proactive communication.

With proactive alerts, the customer stays within the budget and avoids missed payments. At the same time, dialogue-driven tools like chat rooms, chatbots, feedback features, etc., promote a personalized and healthy customer relationship. This enhances the overall customer experience.

It means you can provide a superior UX that fulfills the modern digital customer expectations, resulting in an increase of the customer satisfaction level.

2. Improve Operational Agility

Improved operational agility using customer portals refers to the ability of the telecom organization to efficiently and quickly adapt the changes, respond to customer requirements, and maintain their operations efficiently. Here’s how a customer portal for telecom enhances the operational agility:

  • Offers scalability and flexibility to adapt to modern changes
  • Provides quick access to data for better decision-making
  • Streamlines customer interactions using self-service options
  • Enables efficient issue-solving using direct communication channels
  • Supports data-driven decision-making with customer behavior insights
  • Improves internal communication and collaboration for enhanced efficiency

3. Maximize Efficiency and Minimize Operational Cost

With other efficiencies that the customer portal provides, such as better user engagement, effective automation, better analysis, and much more, it minimizes operational expenses as well.

These benefits improve the overall efficiency of the telecom utility with little investment. Self-service portals help organizations provide customer support for resources 24/7, even after business’s working hours. This means the customer portal provides better efficiency at a minimal operational cost to the business.

4. Higher First Contact Resolution

By using customer portals, companies can get higher first-contact resolution. Ultimately, the goal is a better customer experience. With higher first-contact resolution, customers get solutions for their queries without waiting for a longer time. Also, they do not have to follow up multiple times to get their problem solved.

This method is important in measuring the efficiency and effectiveness of customer service operations. Getting higher first contact resolution indicates that the company solves the customer concerns promptly; finally resulting in better customer satisfaction and loyalty.

5. Omnichannel Communication

Implementing Omnichannel approaches can significantly help in streamlining and enhancing customer interactions and satisfaction. With multi channel support, telecom can provide consistent services across all channels including:

  • Mobile apps
  • Social media
  • Websites
  • Customer service hotlines

Customers can start an inquiry or transaction in one channel and continue the same inquiry or transaction in the another channel without any disruption. This translates to increased customer loyalty and reduced churn for telecom operators. It efficiently addresses the needs of customers improving overall customer perception.

Must-Have Features in Your Customer Portal for Telecom

Here are the nine top features that are must-haves in your telecom customer portal to make it more productive:

1. Quick Account Setup

Setting up an account isn’t a cakewalk for all. So, quick account setup is an essential feature in customer portals. It enables new users to register for services online seamlessly.

By reducing the paperwork, it improves customer convenience. This feature is a competitive edge by fulfilling the customer expectations for smoother user experiences.

Moreover, it simplifies the onboarding process and ensures the users start using the services. This feature also supports scalability and handles growing numbers of users without overwhelming the backend systems.

Overall, with quick account setup, you can streamline the user experience, boost their satisfaction, and contribute to bringing success to the telecom service providers.

2. Multilingual Real-time Billing and Transparent Reporting

This feature refers to the capability of a telecom system to generate reports and bills in different languages while providing clear and updated information to the users.

This feature fulfills the diverse linguistic needs of customers to ensure that bills and reports are easily understandable regardless of language preferences. With real-time billing, customers can get immediate updates on their charges and usage, which enables them to track their expenditures accurately.

While transparent reporting helps users to access detailed breakdowns of their bills including charges for particular services or usage, with the help of this feature, telecom companies improve customer satisfaction, build trust, and facilitate better communication between users and the customer portal.

3. Ease of purchasing Plans and Products online

This feature of the customer portal refers to convenience and simplicity with which customers can search, select, and then purchase telecom services or products using the internet.

It streamlines the purchasing process and allows the customers to finish the transactions effortlessly. It also has intuitive navigation, clear product descriptions, and an easy checkout on that telecom company’s website or mobile app.

Ease of purchasing Plans and Products online not only enhances user satisfaction but also boosts customer retention and sales by skipping barriers to purchase and providing a seamless user experience.

4. Multiple Payment Option

Multiple Payment alternatives provide users with a whole range of methods to pay for their telecom services. These options generally include:

  • Card payment options
  • Bank transfers
  • Mobile wallets
  • Online payments and many more

Choose any one payment method according to your convenience and security preferences. This feature manages the payment process and reduces barriers to purchasing products.

5. Transparent Pricing

The transparent pricing feature is a clear and understandable representation of all the costs associated with telecom products and services. It includes all fees, charges, and taxes, and there shouldn’t be any other hidden or unexpected charges other than this.

Transparent pricing provides users an approximate clarity about the expense, and this makes their purchasing decision better. It improves trust between the telecom company and the customers. Overall, with the feature of transparent pricing, it’s easy to build a positive brand name and maintain good relations with the customers.

6. Customer-Specific Deals

You can provide personalized discounts or offers based on the customer’s preferences and behavior. It is possible by keen analysis of the customer’s demographics and purchase history.

Personalized deals can include discounted pricing, bonus services, loyalty, etc. This feature fosters loyalty and improves customer retention and satisfaction. Ultimately being beneficial for the company.

7. Ease in Understanding Products and Plans

It involves clear descriptions, easy pricing structures, and easy-to-access information about the benefits of the system. By reducing the complexity and jargon, telecom companies make it feasible for customers to make better decisions and then select plans and products.

8. Quickly connect with the support representative

Rapid and efficient access that customers get to speak live with the customer support team is a must-have feature of the customer portal. It ensures that users will get minimal waiting time and a seamless process of query resolution.

9. Chatbot to Get Details About Products, Plans, and Accounts

Chatbots can respond to queries easily, offering convenient and quick assistance to users without any human intervention. With the use of natural language processing, these AI-powered chatbots can understand and resolve certain customer inquiries and interact with them easily.

How can Aixtor help enable the Customer Portal for Telecom?

Aixtor assists telecom utility companies in developing a strong roadmap for the implementation of customer portals, outlining timelines, key milestones, and resource requirements.

In this planning phase, we will collaborate closely with the telecom company’s team to streamline their customer portal with broader business objectives in mind. By building a clear project scope, Aixtor then helps to ensure the customer that the portal delivers accurate values for both telecom utility companies and their users.

So, overall, we will serve as a trusted partner of your company throughout the customer portal building lifecycle, from phase one, designing to deployment and maintenance & support.

Aixtor can unlock new growth ladders for your telecom companies by combining technical expertise with strategic support. So, these are the top  benefits of having a customer portal in your telecom utility company. With improved customer satisfaction, you will notice your company’s success. For more technical updates, you can bookmark us. Till then, happy reading!

Recent Blogs

What is Digital Transformation? Why Is It Important

Why Businesses Needs a Modern Partner Portal in Digital Era?

Enterprise Portal Integration: Streamlining Workflows and Data Sharing

What is Digital Transformation? Why Is It Important

Digital Transformation means strategic overhauls of business processes and models to influence them with the accessibility and affordability of digital advancements.

This approach requires organizational coordination to bring and implement new technologies that revolutionize traditional business operations. Enterprises are propelled to drive digital transformation to elevate customer experience and gain a competitive edge in the market.

If you are motivated to accept digital transformation and want to learn more about its importance, this article is for you!

Here, we will explore digital transformation and why it is essential to implement it in your business strategy.

Let’s understand everything in detail!

What is digital transformation?

Digital transformation is a tactical integration of modern technology in a business to initiate a robust cultural change in its workflow. It enhances business adaptability, provides heightened efficiency, and unlocks customer, employee, and stakeholder merits.

Digital transformation takes different forms; each business independently accepts a suitable course.

For instance, one adopts Cloud computing or Artificial Intelligence to improve their customer experience. On the other hand, another business may start its optimization by using Machine Learning and supply chains.

Moreover, organizations can adjust productions as per their anticipation of future customer demands, showcasing the potential of modern digital transformation technology.

Overall, it is a situation where the business owner, stakeholders, and employees have to reimagine. Their company’s tasks being performed digitally from bottom to top.

For most businesses, digital transformation needs a shift from traditional processes towards a synergetic approach. This process reveals modern solutions that help you drive innovative growth on all firm levels.

What is Digital Transformation

Key Elements of Digital Transformation

Digital transformation can be successful if accurate reorientation is done on each part of your business rather than just implementing new modern tech stacks.

As per the MIT Sloan Management Review, there are three key elements, or you can say three pillars, of digital transformation, they are:

  • Business Models
  • Customer Experience
  • Operational Processes

Improving the company’s digital capacity will enable digital transformation in the above pillars. Let’s discuss them in detail.

Business Models

Startups seldom look at strong brands by leveraging modern business models empowered by the latest technology. And not focusing on their legacy systems.

Established businesses stay competitive by adopting service models enabled by innovative technology, unlocking new opportunities.

There are varied modern business models that can help brands with digital transformation; some of the popular models are:

  1. Embracing the new scope of your current business using digital services.
  2. Bring changes using new technologies as per evolving customer behaviour requirements.
  3. Rebuild your services to provide a digital interface to your customers to leverage your services digitally.

Customer Experience

While it’s obvious to prioritize improving front-end experience in the digital transformation process. The real power is using technologies to modernize the operating system. Such massive changes often have an equal impact on a company’s capacity to deliver flawless user experiences.

For instance, when a customer gets their product before the date of delivery, it creates a good impression of that company for them. Similarly, if a company provides a specific representative who understands their queries and solves it quickly, it will create a positive impression in the customer’s mind. This all will help to improve the overall customer experience and customer loyalty.

This process is possible by introducing better collaboration between your company’s internal teams. So that every relevant person is informed about the process, design, plan, and development.

Automating processes using software tactics or new tools can reduce paperwork and minimize the risk of rejected orders.

Operational Processes

When business operations are being updated using digitized technologies. It can improve that software’s data-gathering and marketing capabilities. It enhances customer insights and provides seamless personalization in digital transformations. Organizations can pursue operational digital transformation by using the following:

  1. Development of digital products & services for devices like smartwatches, etc.
  2. Monitoring specialized experiences throughout channels to provide seamless paths for customers to use services or buy products.
  3. Bringing in the data at each touchpoint to deliver effective customization.

Why is digital transformation important?

Before COVID-19, the digital transformation process focused on improving customer experience. But during the pandemic, everything changed. Now, digital transformations is the centrepiece of innovatively enhancing the operational efficiency of the business.

Many businesses are adapting to this change by making minor updates, but they are accepting the opportunity to plan the growth of employees and company growth.

CEOs of reliable and future-proof companies are prioritizing digital transformation, including data and cloud-based services, to strengthen their business and fight against situations like the pandemic hit.

Different leading companies in today’s world are growing two times better than recent companies, and by increasing the technology investment, they can grow x5 times more.

Company leaders leverage critical technologies like cloud, AI and ML, IoT, etc., to move ahead of their peers. Adopting these technologies sooner can have a more significant positive effect on your business growth.

Ultimately, they direct their expenses towards innovation, which can generate more revenue, grow their business and make them stand ahead of competitors.

The Benefits of Digital Transformation

Various factors are beneficial for improving a business’s ROI. However, the right technology can improve how the business functions and how to make it more engaging.

  • Improves customer experience- Customers want to experience greater interactivity through different touch points such as mobile apps, email, social media, live chat, etc. This can be achieved by implementing digital transformation in your business systems.
  • Reducing labour expenses and increasing productivity- Using different technology to work efficiently is a powerful way to transform your company digitally. Companies can use proper tools to keep employees, software updating, and training costs down.
  • Bring innovation and keep your organization ahead of your peers- You can use accurate digital transformations techniques to stay ahead of your peers. Not implementing digital ways can be equally dangerous as adopting the wrong technologies. So, your organization’s future lies in your hands; keep it safe and up-to-date!

Concluding Words

Various types of transformations come up and fail as their popularity changes daily. Keeping up with different trends is a better way to see how one can improve digital transformations and build inevitable changes in your business domain.

Currently, the hottest trends of digital transformation are all tied to one thing: better user and employee experience. Although some employees fear that modern technologies might affect their role in an organization. Keeping themselves updated with the trend is necessary at some point in life.

Robotics, AI, 5G, customized UI/UX, and better mobile app development are trends of digital transformation.

You can bookmark us for future technical updates. Till then, happy reading!

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Top Benefits of a Customer Portal for Telecom Utilities

Why Businesses Needs a Modern Partner Portal in Digital Era?

Enterprise Portal Integration: Streamlining Workflows and Data Sharing

Why Businesses Needs a Modern Partner Portal in Digital Era?

Partner portal, can make a lot by having simple but effective implementations and availing themselves of the relevant purposes of their making, thus contributing well to digital world perspectives! Basically, such portals are a way to connect to partners and potential lead-makers in the business. On a single platform, you must be able to communicate with all of your partners from time to time and discuss your future business plans.

What is a Partner Portal?

A business partner portal is a web-based platform that acts as a one-stop solution for bringing together all the existing business partners. It would be the most vital tool for having fast communication, aligning with the other partners in the business, and creating the marketing programs further. It provides a third party with an existing business connection that authorizes the partners to have access to the business information, which is helpful to make it more productive.

Partner management portals act as a one-stop digital platform for all business partners to connect, collaborate, and share their information mutually. These portals help partners do business with each other by building up revenue, making business decisions, reviewing data and analytics, setting up futuristic business perspectives, etc. It basically fulfills the needs of connecting, communicating, and engaging the needs of the partners to collaborate on one platform with their digital business processes.


Who Uses Partner Management Portal?

An organization engages in business with a lot of external parties (other entities), which could be distributors, suppliers, sellers, service providers, vendors, etc., for all of them to interact, check on updates regularly, and bring on the new, updated information. Partner portal plays a significant role here by extending digital support to all these entities and allowing the best, easy-going functionalities to take on from time-to-time.

What are the Main Purposes of Partner Portal? 

As mentioned above, the partner portal’s main purpose is to bring the different entities together on a single platform for performing the interaction process. Partner portal benefits involve accessing information not intended for the general public. such as business property data, detailed sales and pricing information, data documentation, business details and updates, etc. All these are intended to make the work of the business partners better.

It involves these measures, ideally aiding the main purpose of the partner portal:

  1. Recruitment & onboarding information
  2. Registration, promotion, & discounts
  3. Measuring reporting tools & inefficient workflows
  4. Partner management, segmentation, planning, & contract management
  5. Partner performance & content management
  6. Partner opportunity & marketing management

Availing of these points serves to these following key benefits of having a partner portal for your business.

Key Benefits of Partner Portal solution

Effective Selling

Partner Portal benefits have the greatest improvements to the existing sales and revenue conditions for businesses. The more engaged partners will feel with the partner portal, the more they will get indulged in reviewing the business analytics, thereby closing more business deals and creating leads. An ideal partner portal should provide all the necessary tools and services for partners to feel connected and secure. This helps in further extending and enhancing the relationship among the partners.

Robust support for global networks

Partner portals make global networking easier. You can access the portal anytime, anywhere, at your own comfort to check on what’s going on with your corresponding work status. unified dashboard features for the portal extend these benefits well ahead of time. Technology and AI have made things way easier for everyone to adapt to the changes they are required to make in the portal at regular times. Partner portals make global entities connect in one place without compromising their basic needs under certain conditions, which, when adopted, are prone to yielding efficient business results.

Easy Self-Service Experiences

Partner portals these days have become more mobile-responsive, easy to configure, and have all the essential self-service experiences. From document management to content management to transactional activities, partners can perform all the tasks themselves without needing any help from any other person. The interaction and communication menus are well ventilated within the portal, making it way easier for all the associated members to look after the communication, chats, and important messages regarding their work.

eLearning & Training

One of the extensive requirements of an ideal partner portal involves partner and employee training aspects. This may be done easily through video, audio, and documentary presentations. The best tech-motivated eLearning and training facilities must be presented by the partner portal. This could also involve partner and employee training through real-time options during their learning curve. It is required for everyone to understand the pre-sales and post-sales segments. ideal partner portal benefactor adds towards giving certifications, session-based increments, and competition knowledge among the relevant rivals.

Uncovering Partner Needs with Analytics

Technology can do wonders, and the partner portal is not an exception to that. It basically simplifies the overall data analysis process, thereby helping partners get the kind of information they are looking for! This improves efficiency, customer experience, and even usability-oriented results and data perspectives. With the availability of different digital tools to check on the latest customer-added data, its validity, and presentation aspects, everything can be done to make a foolproof report for helping businesses set their futuristic business aspects! Not only these, but the partner portals also respond to the required customer inquiries as well.

Completely Customizable

Above all, the ability of the partner portals to be completely and easily customizable makes them worth their use. Developing an easy onboarding process, training, up-to-date product information, and enabling the partners to easily share the information, access it whenever they feel like it, etc. makes the partner portal an easier option. You can easily adopt to the partner portal solution based on your business requirements, even!

The Bottomline

Indeed a partner portal will help your business get the best automation-based solutions to all of your users needs. You just need to pick the right vendor, which could give you fruitful results for your business portal requirements. Aixtor helps global businesses worldwide get such highly customizable and responsive partner management portals where all the partners can come along and communicate in the fastest and most convenient way. You can tell us your portal requirements, and we will surely help you in the most suitable manner!

Frequently Asked Questions

What does a partner portal do?

A partner portal offers tailored digital solutions for partner addressing, communication, and work collaboration needs. A portal with advanced solutions can help to avail responsive digital asset management, work documentation, data personalization, and analytics-based solutions.

How can the portal enhance communication?

It streamlines workflows and fosters communication and collaboration. Using the right partner portal can transform the way businesses want to reach their partners. It has real-time visibility for partner performance and other automated features to extend relationships and build futuristic partnerships.

Is the partner onboarding process complex?

Not at all!

It’s very easy and can make things work with a single click as well. Aixtor offers exclusive partner management portal solutions, helping the partners to welcome them into their partner program, creating a highly customized partner portal experience, especially for new partners, and providing training and other objectives for setting up benchmarks.

What security measures are in place to protect sensitive data & access control?

A partner portal is able to give its users foolproof authentication to prevent unauthorized access by implementing the required verification and detection systems to monitor the logins and other activities happening within the system or portal. This is necessary to prevent hacks, data oversharing, cyberattacks, data leaks, etc., and to protect sensitive and confidential information as well.

How does the portal adapt to different business sizes?

Partner Portal basically helps with automating business tasks related to partner communication and work collaboration. Be it a small business or an enterprise working on a multi-national basis, the tasks are managed and regulated using the most advanced AI-based plugins, tools, and specific menus. Based on the data you get or receive, you can prioritize your people to anchor your further business strategy.

What is the purpose of the partner management portal?

The main purpose of a partner portal involves detailed documentation and analysis of pricing, sale information, technically accurate data, marketing resources, and automation-based proceedings. You can keep your clients well informed and notified about every specific piece of data that happens to be coming in the business process.

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Enterprise Portal Integration: Streamlining Workflows and Data Sharing

Enterprise Portal Integration: Streamlining Workflows and Data Sharing

Enterprise portal integration is something that is essential for employees to get access to organization updates as well as their respective personal active spaces. It’s all about having full-fledged communication, review documents, emails, updates, and processing of project details. The idea of the user interface is composed of functional modules, with functionalities corresponding to respective business applications.

For the enterprise portal integration, there are many different modules; the most notable ones are:

    1. Customer management
    2. Content management
    3. Database management
    4. Mail interface, etc.
    5. Notifications/Announcements

    What is Enterprise Portal Integration?

    Enterprise portal integration is the implementation of the system corporate portal, providing users access to multiple business-based plugins, apps, portals, and sites via a browser or gateway. This is required to give the employees a better environment for performing simultaneous work without switching to another portal. Enterprise portal integration is thus widely adopted by businesses worldwide.

    To know more about enterprise portal development and its helpfulness towards portal facilities, let’s dive into the key elements of enterprise portal development. We’ve got you covered in terms of increasing business efficiency and business task execution as well.

    Enterprise_Portal _Integration_main

    Basically, there are three different types of enterprise portal integration

    • Data consolidation using extraction, transformation, and load (ETL) technology
    • Data propagation using enterprise application integration (EAI) technology
    • Data federation using enterprise information integration (EII) technology

    Challenge of Enterprise Integration

    For the digitalization of enterprises, the integration process has its own challenges, which you need to figure out on purpose. Here are some of the major ones you need to take care of:

    1. Technology-based integration

    It follows the product base approach, or a standard-based open architecture. Having a production-based integration approach permits stronger collaboration and better database implementation. Its disadvantage stems from the limitations of individual software capabilities.

    Standard-based open architecture offers flexibility (jungle view) and reliability (tree view) as per the requirements of the software. But to implement this the right way, very careful planning is needed for the selection of the software packages.

    Apart from this, Java specification request (JSR) 168 and Web services for remote portlets (WSRP) are taken care of.

    2. Management-based integration issues

    When the EP and ES are integrated, multiple organizations will have access to back-end databases. It will also scrutinize the Internet process. The highest probability arises for transaction management, which is required to control access to and updates to databases. It also requires a message control check and a choreography check as well. Then comes the workflow and the data security management, such as federated identity, etc.

    Data security becomes very crucial to be taken care of, especially during integration, because an external entity is involved, and more chances of a secret compromise can arise at this moment in time.

    Based on these terms, there are a few key elements for the proper integration process for the enterprise portals. Here we are listing them in detail

    Key elements of enterprise integration

    1. Data accessibility

    The ERP systems-based integration may or may not include the external systems as well. Most commonly, ERP systems are integrated with portal dashboards, primarily for showing updates and alerts. It is done by including one or more portlets where data is shown from the backend system. Data accessibility is hence made clearer and simpler to adopt and use as required.

    2. API management

    This integration involves the developers coding for the specified information or system functionality. API interaction, in its most comprehensive form, will allow the custom integration solutions to read and write as well. In a closed loop, this kind of integration will work best where there are a limited number of systems to be integrated. because with the increase in system integration, the individual point solutions may become slightly difficult to manage. Prior to APIs, IoT was all about interconnecting mobile applications; now it’s about interconnecting APIs.

    3. Task simplicity

    The purpose of serving enterprise integration modules is to make portal functionalities easier and promote task simplicity. Specially the IT management can get complacent at times, but with the right implementation of unifying nonsense systems and creating custom solutions for transactions, process management, data security, and everything else, it will make the users understand their perspective of data requirements.

    4. Data security

    Whether any integration platform, data security is a must as increasing cyber-based crimes, hacking, and other security-related issues are prevailing at their peak. To make the digital transformation better, businesses need to manage the security aspects related to enterprise portal integration. For example, if you’re using Liferay DXP, you must be aware of its full features and functionalities that make it the best choice for implementing the data integration requirements.

    For this, you can contact us at Aixtor Technologies to learn more about how enterprise portal integration is done, how it is implemented for the business, and what the immediate and futuristic implications.

    Wrapping up

    The overall purpose of serving enterprise integration is to enhance and simply improve the existing features of the portal and add new, better portal-based digital enhancements. From search, navigation, personalization, data review, data update, push technology-based notifications, single sign-on, data collaboration, task management, workflow management, content management, and document management. Enterprise Portal is a huge management system, even for small businesses. So, there will surely be many aspects, as mentioned above, for which portal integration-based tools will be a prior requirement.

    Make sure you have the appropriate option for getting the best enterprise integration-based solutions!

Recent Blogs

Top Benefits of a Customer Portal for Telecom Utilities

What is Digital Transformation? Why Is It Important

Why Businesses Needs a Modern Partner Portal in Digital Era?

7 Types of Enterprise Web Portal with Examples

A web portal is able to secure businesses with rapid data access, data security, and exact information delivery. Data acts as a vital element, and businesses need to keep an updated account of every format as its needs can arise at any time.

The wide range of functionalities, access, security, and AI-based responsive interaction is what makes the web portals popular. Compared to a site, a web portal solution has emerged as a one-stop solution for all business needs from scratch. Customers are ready to spend money on what they feel is the most convenient option for them. These web portals are, for sure, a better idea for businesses to explore!

Lets get in more details to know it better

What is a Web Portal?

Basically, a web portal is an online platform that fetches information from different sources into a single interface. Its primary job is to present the most relevant information to every visitor according to their context. Web portals have now been developed into a complete portal platform, supporting the various digital customer experience-based initiatives from data personalization, search navigation, information integration into task management, and work collaboration as well.

What are the types of web portals?

Based on the usage and categories as per corporate and enterprise business needs, to date, the web portal solutions have been divided into these many different types:
What is a Web Portal?

Banking & Insurance Portals

Banking and insurance web portal solutions aim to introduce seamless digital experiences for users from client, employee, agent and insurer perspectives. The major functionalities of this sector require advanced self-service and process automation based digital solutions, which are operated time to time by the parties involved.

Major features required for the banking/insurance-based web portal solutions

  1. Customer onboarding and account management
  2. Secure and superior level payment processing
  3. Extensive content management system functionalities
  4. AI-powered virtual assistant as 24/7 customer support
  5. Legacy system integration

Aixtor helped one of its global clients to build an insurance-customer portal, which supplemented Liferay’s out of the box features with low code no code capabilities. We leveraged a strong content and documentation management process, with super advanced and personalized user experiences.

E-commerce portals

An online product selling hub which allows everyone to take a close look at the product, reviews, order delivery details etc. and finalize to buy the product using online secure payment methods. E-commerce portals are the status symbols of being digitally superior in any business market.

Reliable features of an ideal e-commerce portal include:

  1. Advanced product pricing and catalog personalization
  2. Self-administered corporate account management
  3. Automation-based facilitated ordering process
  4. Secure payment gateway, with flexible options
  5. Comprehensive data analytics

Types of Enterprise web portal

Aixtor added a great feather to its portfolio by delivering an authentic E-commerce-based web portal for a leading Kuwait-based telecom company. The client was looking for a complete digital transformation for their enterprise reputation. We induce advanced level site interfaces with superior navigation system, and automation-based functionalities, with 24/7 customer support.

Patient Portals

Be it an integrated patient portal, or a standalone patient portal, they operate through advanced digital access to all patient data, separately. Using the most significant web interfaces, patient-based web portals are able to review and schedule doctor appointments, request/refill prescriptions online, and also perform transaction related activities as well.

Features of an ideal patient portals includes these many factors

  1. One click/Easy signup/sign in/login in and dashboard access
  2. E-prescription and automation-based consultation scheduling
  3. Personalized content, Telehealth checkups and health reviews
  4. Advanced and secure payment/billing lookouts

Intranets Portals

Basically, an Intranet portal is a gateway to access external information, to provide the users with more personalized data and information management. It is especially required in the corporate sector for overall HRMS and employee management activities. It reduces collaboration requirements on a separate level for every employee and improves information sharing at a centralized level.

An ideal intranet portal surely has the following core features.

  • Mobile-friendly navigation and search
  • Highly customizable and collaboration supportive
  • multi-level access to business data/info and user experience
  • Employee learning and knowledge base functionalities

Government Portals

Aixtor has assisted governments and semi government bodies of global countries and delivered to them the desired results based on their digital needs. We developed an employee engagement portal for a government body based in the Middle East, where they wanted to digitally transform their logistics and transportation business. Just like the regular features of the intranet portals, this digital product had features like –

  1. Streamlined work collaboration and communication process
  2. Employee centric for addressing queries.
  3. Active data management using automation-based functionalities

Extranets and Partner Portals

An extranet, or a partner/supplier/vendor portal, is a web platform which gives access to various resources, activities and performances they regularly need to review and market for their businesses. There are many different resources like marketing, pricing, selling, customer support, technical support, training, reports, payment status, delivery status etc. which a user may need from time to time.

A business partner portal/extranet must have these features according to today’s era business requirements.

  1. Partners, planning and contract management
  2. Partner onboarding, training, service and content management
  3. Performance and partner opportunity management
  4. Marketing and business intelligence management

Student & Faculty Portals

A knowledge base student portal is a web interface which provides an overall digital platform for the students and associated faculty to review their academic resources, update/change class and session schedules, topics, and study materials etc. On-line learning platforms became a big hit especially after corona hit the world and students were taught via online everyday classes.

Sample features of an ideal online knowledge base student portal.

  1. Unique and secure account creation for every student and faculty member
  2. Online application system with custom user experience-based functions.
  3. Multiple payment gateway options
  4. Additional student/teacher recruitment tools

How Liferay web portal can transform the digital user/customer experience?

Liferay’s self-service business portal platforms prove very useful for business aspects, like providing self-service, high grade automation, and agile functionalities, and data centralization tactics to make everyone aware of all the current updates holding onto the business. Liferay-based business portals quickly launch to the new digital touchpoints and have a very futuristic approach towards every kind of new update, technology adoption and growth. You can be assured of secure, fast and integrated support for all your small to big needs from the digital portal.

Aixtor can help you to have the ideal web portal solution for your business needs. You can just tell us your exact business requirements and our team will be in touch with you with the most modern solutions!

Recent Blogs

Top Benefits of a Customer Portal for Telecom Utilities

What is Digital Transformation? Why Is It Important

Why Businesses Needs a Modern Partner Portal in Digital Era?

How beneficial Intranet portal solutions prove for Business departments?

For organizations, enterprises, companies dealing in any business, the need for Intranet portal solutions has only served them better. The reason is, it is never easy to manage and streamline the work communication and collaboration.

The benefits of intranet portal are not just limited to showcasing the virtues of employee intranet portal. It is basically the face of the overall departments that run through the organization. Every department has its own set of needs, and they process them all using suitable intranet solutions.

Here we will explain in detail about the different intranet remedies for the business departments.

Keep reading –

What is an Intranet Portal?

The basic definition of an intranet portal is a platform which serves the needs of a closed digital loop of people where they can access similar information and go through data updates and storage, as managed by the HRMS. Advanced features of data security, communication and collaboration make the portal even better in terms of information and relationship building with every single user using it.

Business benefits of Intranet portal: Departments wise

IT Department

The IT department is responsible for maintaining the hardware and software system know-how within an enterprise/organization. Intranet portal solutions help with these many functionalities to make the portal a success!

Intranet Portal Benefits for IT

Intranet Portal Benefits for IT

  • User authentication and access control: Core need of the Internet portal, user authentication is the utmost requirement for having a secure and easy login. An intranet Portal with advanced features makes sure to serve its users with a single sign in (SSI) option.
  • Role based access control (RBAC): An intranet easily restricts the network role of a person based on their designation.
  • Self-service IT support: Intranet portal solution for providing the best ways where the customers/users can themselves find solutions to their problems, queries and issues they’re facing.
  • Asset Management: Intranet as an asset management portal will help you to keep timely checks on the portfolio insights, using powerful functionalities.
  • Security monitoring: Intranet portal assures data security-based screening and monitoring like work hours track, data transfer and receipt, Wi-Fi connectivity and distribution monitoring etc.

HR Department

The HR department serves as the heart of every company/enterprise, dealing in the management of every employee and associated activities related to recruitment, administration, compensation. Having an intranet portal can assist through all these tasks via strong and advanced functionalities.

Intranet Portal Benefits for HR

Intranet Portal Benefits for HR

  • Employee self-service: It is the basic job of an employee intranet portal to give effective self-service to its users so that they can perform the tasks themselves.
  • Recruitment and onboarding: The employee internet portal also helps us to cope with the onboarding process, learning more about the company, the benefits of signing up etc.
  • Training and Development: HR intranet software can make training much more engaging. It supports the HR staff in supplying and managing every employee’s core needs with updated and organized information.
  • Performance Management: Under this process, the HR department can keep a regular check on every employee’s day-to-day performance based on training, and other activities as per their designations.
  • Payroll and compensation: An internet portal must be able to offer extensive self-service elements both for the HR and the employees so that they can have a close view at the updated and revised payroll and compensation benefits.

Logistics Department

This department within any organization looks after planning and coordinating goods/products/materials from one location to another using digital intranet portal. It takes care of the management, transportation, warehouse and distribution.

Intranet Portal Benefits for logistics department

Intranet Portal Benefits for logistics

  • Real time tracking: Logistics department can manage their on-field teams with real-time tracking functionalities over the intranet portal.
  • Compliance and Reporting: Logistics process can go through many stages where it requires them to revise and report about certain products and conditions. Functions like billing management, reporting a service etc. should be a part of such intranet portal utilities.
  • Customer Service: A customer service providing Internet portal can improve daily work interactions, and communication levels.
  • Data Analytics: Performing operational and daily data report analysis, business turnover report analysis, etc. are needed for future strategy making.

Business Operations Department

The business operations department of an enterprise primarily focuses on quality control, managing budget, forecasts and business practice. It also looks after supply chain management via intranet portals options.

Intranet Portal Benefits for Business Operations

Intranet Portal Benefits for Business Operations

  • Productivity Features: Business intranet portals let you create better business-based communication, operations etc. by providing room for increased productivity.
  • Task and Project Management Business operations department requires significant automation process for executing exact tasks and project management support system.
  • Process Automation Intranet portals provide excessive automated workflows that ease up the process of completing a certain process in less time and lesser cost.
  • Customer relationship management Intranet portals solutions should be simple, attractive and should provide ready-to-go CRM based solutions for the customers.
  • Vendor, Supplier and Inventory Management Intranet portals for business operations should be able to handle active vendor/supplier management activities to avail full benefits of portals.

Finance Department

Finance departments serve as the veins of any organization and use advanced intranet solutions to look after finance-related planning and sustain future plans.

Intranet portal solutions for finance

Intranet portal solutions for finance departments respond to following needs and functions:

  • Streamline financial information An employee intranet portal which allows you to manage the employee’s personal and finance related information. It also has a business intranet portal which allows you to keep a check on all finances by streamlining overall proceedings.
  • Automated financial workflows Automated workflows make complex tasks easier, for accounting, payable amount, amount to be received, deductions, beneficiaries etc.
  • Compliance and audit trail Audit trails process in the intranet portals helps to firmly track the transactions, accounting details, brokerage accounts etc. It further helps in revising financial resources for business perspectives!

Security Department

The security department of any business is responsible for looking after the different aspects of safe business proceedings. Data security and data compliance, cyber security, IT infrastructure protection, business confidentiality etc.

Intranet Portal Benefits for Security

Intranet Portal Benefits for Security

  • Centralized security management Under the security department, intranet portal solutions must be empowering its users to work with the sense of safety and security of their overall data.
  • Secure file sharing Intranet portals solutions facilitate secure document and file sharing options for its users.
  • Security policy enforcement For government purposes, the law enforcement needs are addressed via security police enforcement LEEP (Law Enforcement Enterprise Portal) or Law Enforcement Portal.
  • Disaster Recovery It is required to prepare and share the digital management plan with the emergency team concerned whenever such requirements occur.

Marketing Department

An organization’s marketing department is the search engine for that brand. It rolls down strategies to increase brand awareness and driving in more leads to make the company’s brand a better success in the coming time.

Intranet Portal Benefits for Marketing

Intranet Portal Benefits for Marketing

  • Centralized content management Giving a single platform for updating and managing the overall content for the organization and taking control of data sharing and collaborative content creation.
  • Customized dashboards Marketing intranet portals must be offering highly customized and responsive dashboards to keep a check on every current activity, related updates etc.
  • Integrated Marketing Tools Marketing intranets should be able to put different marketing-based tools and plugins in the same place to save time and effort to handle the tasks.
  • Event Management Using the employee event management internet, the manager can easily schedule and plan all the upcoming events and tasks assigned to the team members.

Stakeholders Department

Defining business goals, developing plans to achieve them, reviewing business operations etc. are the tasks that come under the stakeholder’s department. An intranet portal solution with highly automated features for data updating and analysis is required for this.

Intranet Portal Benefits for Stakeholders

Intranet Portal Benefits for Stakeholders

  • Access to key information Real-time dashboards play an important role in supplying access to key information, alongside secure log-in and team member additions as required.
  • Finance Reports Engage with your clients to build long term trusted relationships by extensive finance reports creation, management and analytics using the stakeholder-based intranet portals.
  • Data analytics and reporting Check on all historical records, updated data for analytics and report errors, or complaints for any issues occurring.


Be it an employee intranet portal or any other form, it’s the functionalities of that intranet portals that create the difference. Simple things like an attractive user interface, an easier search and navigation bar, customized data optimization, self-service etc. give it the best shot for the users to use the online portal even more. If you’re also planning to have your brand’s own intranet portal, then you can contact us, Aixtor technologies, at any time!

We will make sure your business requirements are addressed and achieved with a highly advanced intranet portal solution.

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Top Benefits of a Customer Portal for Telecom Utilities

What is Digital Transformation? Why Is It Important

Why Businesses Needs a Modern Partner Portal in Digital Era?

Key components of a UI/UX web portal design!

A web portal is the official representation of a company’s brand. Businesses invest millions of dollars in increasing their web portal design process. Have you ever imagined the reason companies from every sector invest this hefty amount of money in a sole web portal design process?

The reason is to maintain its sole status, surpassing every other competition!

The business wants their representation to be done in such a form that it could impair their target audience by the count of 3…2…1

It’s actually true because having a great web portal design will surely help with attracting more customers, and that too constantly!

Let’s get started with knowing the specifications for building up an iconic web portal design:
ui_ux_web_portal design_main

Components of an attractive web portal design


A single sign-on is the very first thing a user sees or expects to see while signing in for any web portal. easy sign-in web interface makes every user faster to get into the task for their respective portal-related activity. One-point solutions have given many companies an added audience, as people find it faster and easier (and better and more secure) to get into the portal operations.

Nowadays, SSO (Single Sign On) for multiple sites prevails as a huge hit among the companies. This means that the user can securely connect a portal to multiple sites using a single sign-on feature. This prevents the pain of logging into different sites over and over as per requirements. You must have also seen the sign-in option via Google, Meta, or any other popular social media platform. They are also preferred by users, as most of them are already actively using one or all the social media platforms these days.

Layout & Navigation

Web portal design is the soul of the layout; it is most important to have a nice layout for an even nicer web design. The brands need to make sure that the user experience remains intuitive throughout the process. They should be able to find their respective data and space instantly, using the super responsive navigation features. Moreover, the display of the main menu, items, and portal elements should be highlighted, managed, and visualized in such a way that users can easily figure out what is present and what they can do with it. Using symbols, arrows, and other special characters also adds to this process.

Having great navigation won’t make customers deal with confusion or, lately, proceedings that make them frustrated. they will be easily able to navigate between different pages over the portal. Ultimately, a strong and diligent layout will be of great help for them to do so!


For any site design project or portal project, content is always the queen! Everyone will look and read what is written and visible there, right from the first page to the very one they will want to operate through. Now, if the content is somewhat misleading, not up to par, not well business-driven, not fetched with the point keywords that customers understand and look for, and many other relevant problems, it can actually create a lot of confusion.

To make the content more engaging, you must opt in for SEO perspectives. This will make your page crawl higher and more visible among the visitor’s lists. The portal, or site, thus has huge chances of getting a larger number of visitors!

Workflow management

Just like good design is more than just looks and feel, it is also good workflow management. A web portal design must utilize highly responsive workflows that could be set up according to the role. This is primarily required for the user documents, which require approval from their corresponding supervisors. Alongside role-based document management, the web portal design should encourage non-technical users to opt for a collaborative platform for their usual workflows.

By moving your portal to workflow management, you will be able to move the overall process to a centralized platform. This will cause the company to pass the information back and forth through different modes, such as fax, email, or phone. Thus, by utilizing automated workflows, any team could ensure that information is passed directly to the right person without any risk of losing track of it.

Responsive collaboration

Having collaboration features clearly drives engagement for most portals. The reason is that it actually centralizes the overall portal activities, which makes the employees work more efficiently. An ideal component for web portal design is responsive collaboration. These features are actually very successful with every kind of portal, especially partner portals. Users can easily share their work information without hassle and complete their tasks without getting their data lost or stuck.

What is the importance of having a classy web portal design?

There are many merits based on the priorities that web portal design sets up for the respective brand. Here we’re mentioning some of the best reasons why web portal design should be considered important:

It increases the customer conversion rate

A good web portal or site is sure to increase customer conversion, no matter how new you are. For any kind of business, if they have a good and well-designed site, they can actually impress a larger number of people than they can actually think!

  1. It is easier to reach customers with a well-designed web approach.
  2. A site with a great design has all the elements that help the customers do what they want without any distractions.
  3. A self-service Promoting web design promotes confidence in its users to perform their tasks.

It tends to reach a larger number of clients.

More leads can be generated as your brand showcases itself better. The modern-era digital world has made everything mobile-friendly. Nowadays, businesses tend to opt for serving everything over mobile. A responsive web portal design will tend to adjust automatically according to mobile. This will give the customers the freedom to do whatever and however they want!

Ultimately, business branding will win the stake every time you have the support of a great web portal design. You must get help from the best business software service provider, like Aixtor, to help you create the site of your dreams!

You can just reach out to us with your project requirements, and we will investigate the process with our best technical knowledge. You can absolutely trust us!

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Top Benefits of a Customer Portal for Telecom Utilities

What is Digital Transformation? Why Is It Important

Why Businesses Needs a Modern Partner Portal in Digital Era?

How Intranet portal solution helps to secure your business?

Intranet portal solutions have always rocked the internet. Since the start, they’ve been introduced, and to date, intranets haven’t lost their importance. Digital organizations throughout the world are driven by information, and having a SharePoint intranet will definitely address the majority of information transfer and communication-based needs.

What is Intranet portal?

An intranet is an internal digital environment where an authorized set of people are allowed to see through the same information shared within their organization. An intranet portal is the gateway that unifies this access.

For instance, suppose an organization has 1000+ employees and the board, HR, or CEO needs to share any important information with only their employees. For this, they will implement a closed intranet loop where details of every employee, their work, task management, etc. will be updated. The information will remain closed to the organization itself.


How can Intranet portal solutions transform your business?

Well, the prime intranet portal solutions are available in diversified ways, but we’re highlighting the top ones that help you transform your business:

1. Promote communication/streamline engagement:

Streamlining foolproof employee engagement is a real struggle for organizations. An increased number of employees will only add to their work tasks. Having a social IT solution for their everyday work will encourage the employees to take full initiative and authority over their work. The more empowered your employees or team feel, the better they will be able to execute their tasks on certain levels.

With the intranet portal, the staff can regularly connect to a common space dedicated to them. On an everyday basis, they will have access to common information, and they will have no doubts about the current proceedings for work. intranet, this will also unite the staff by promoting better interaction.

2. Integrating/centralizing:

The main aim of opting for an intranet portal solution is to secure confidential information by eliminating its repeated sharing. An estimate says that the use of collaboration tools will rise from 55% to 79% in 2021. During Corona times, of course, the mass organizations have shifted their work towards remote work, followed by hybrid work post-Corona days.

Having a shared intranet helps businesses stay connected and updated with similar updates through integration. This also means that you can freely interact with other teams that are active with the current tasks and remain aware of their proceedings related to the project.

3. Secure log-in protocols:

One of the best reasons to opt for intranet portal solutions is that they provide their users with highly secure log-in protocols. Since the intranet itself is based on a centralized approach, the security solutions for them also include centralized authentication management and secure mobile access. For example, through intranet solutions, you can avail of Single Sign-On (SSO), Active Directory (AD), and Lightweight Directory Access Protocols (LDAP).

Apart from this, there are other protocols like digital signatures, transaction confirmation, and password protection for performing a certain task over the portal. You can be totally assured that your actions will be addressed and processed smoothly with advanced functions when you opt for intranet portal solutions.

4. Restrict information access:

In every digital organization, everything depends on information. Some projects and company details can be very critical to getting into unwanted hands or systems. To prevent this, several intranet portal solutions have been introduced for restricting the passing of certain information when it is not needed. The intention behind this is to not let the transfer of any important information occur without the consent or approval of the department concerned.

Directly restricting access to information is required for data that is allowed for sharing. It is also limiting what data is allowed and what is not. Staff should be limited to a range of information sharing, as giving them unlimited access can promote unwanted situations of data transfer to third parties. This especially can occur when some staff deliberately behave unloyalty.

Benefits of Intranet portal

Indeed, the intranet portal has immense possibilities for the corporate world and businesses to prosper securely. The above-written measures for the intranet portal solutions have been put in place to avail various benefits as well, which we have described as follows:

1. Building brand identity:

The top business value of the intranet includes building up a greater brand identity. With seamless communication and controlled sharing of documents and information, it is for sure that an integrated approach is implemented for the overall staff, team members, employees, etc. With this, the required information is shared, and the brand’s identity remains integrated in accordance with the required business perspective. like, everyone will have a similar thought process about the brand, which will help to increase the brand’s identity.

2. Document and data management:

Having an intranet portal solution assures your business of full-on data management and document management processes. This will all be explained so firmly and well that you will just not have to worry about anything. For example, you can easily search and find the exact document among the vast departments. Intranet portals incorporate existing tools and applications within their systems so as to eliminate the switching time between different apps. This way, the intranet saves a lot of effort for its users, every now and then!

3. Ensuring higher productivity

As soon as businesses implement the intranet portal for their everyday proceedings, they can notice a rise in productivity, saving them a lot of time for extra work. The streamlined and customized process of the intranet portals saves a lot of enterprise money through extensive integration. Apart from this, the intranet portal solutions also help them improve their disposition of any information and ongoing tasks.


Businesses can make their overall digital transformation a great success with intranet portal solutions by their side. The advantages and benefits it comes with are themselves proof of how simple the business proceedings are. Ever since the evolution of the intranet, digital businesses have made their internal spirits stronger and better able to coordinate.

Planning for your own business intranet portal solution?

The best thing you can do now is to contact us at Aixtor Technologies! We help businesses implement the best technology-based business solutions, and our intranet-based portal solutions have a strong portfolio of clients worldwide!

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Top Benefits of a Customer Portal for Telecom Utilities

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Why Businesses Needs a Modern Partner Portal in Digital Era?

What are the best practices for Liferay performance tuning techniques?

Liferay performance tuning is a process of processual optimization of system speed, efficiency, and reliability. It basically involves solving the bottlenecks that occur in the system, checking and resolving the errors, and identifying the resource consumption affecting system performance or application.

But why are we talking about it?

Performance tuning is important once you have the business portal in its running mode. When your site starts to generate more traffic, it may also require performance tuning. For this, there are certain steps you can take to ensure your site is on track:

Parts of Liferay Performance Tuning: How Is It Done?

Businesses curious about the Liferay performance tuning techniques need to know the processes involved in implementing them in the existing site or application runtime. First of all, you need to figure out your business’s performance strategy for the site. Basically, the goal should be to make it fast, right, and safe.

Portal tuning

The first of the performance tuning involves portal tuning and its basis. It basically involves the following subtypes:

Servlet filters:

By default, Liferay has a few enabled and running servlet filters. Servlet filters are Java-based pluggable components that process, and intercept requests sent to servlets. They are also responsible for responding before the container responds to the client after the server code is completed.

Since there are many service filters present in Liferay, your business may or may not require all of them to remain active at all times. It’s like disabling a few unrequired ones to increase the system’s performance. You can simply disable the unwanted server filters by using the file.

Just copy the servlet filters from the base (original) file and put them into the customized file. After that, go through the lists and see which ones you can disable. You can set them to false to disable them.

Performance properties:

These are the default configurations present in the portal. properties that have been set to optimize the performance. It basically belongs to the properties file changes, which you may need to make once you’re in the production environment.

There are some merged CSS files in Liferay performance profiles that are set to false for easier debugging and site/application deployment. You need to set this property to true to load the programs faster and thus help more in performance tuning.

Furthermore, you need to set this property to true to load the combined JavaScript-based files from the javascript.files property and make them into one compacted file for faster loading and optimized performance tuning.


Memory is one of the first things to look at when you think about optimizing performance. Caching is basically required for improving application scalability, which reduces database overhead due to object relational impedance. Municipal garbage and unwanted data extracts, if they occur in abundance, can disturb the performance and also reduce it.

There are three levels of cache, which are described here:

  • L1: Chip Level Cache
  • L2: System Memory
  • L3: Swap Space

Garbage collection:

During the GC (garbage collection) process, all the processing in the JVM stops. It’s because it goes through every part of the heap, looking for unwanted or dead objects. Once they are found, it frees up the memory. It could not occur in the server environment as it could slow down the processing. Although there are some JVM switches that you can enable to reduce the process halt time during the GC, this is again a major part of the performance tuning process.

However, the point is that this has to be applied properly in order to get better results. You will need to use a profiler to monitor the GC first. This would be done during the load test to tune the server hardware, the application server, and the operating system.

Runtime tuning:

The runtime tuning involves certain JVM parameters, which enable the system to run Java programs in other languages.

JVM Parameters:

A JVM is basically a detailed specification of what is required for JVM implementation. It decides when the unused variables will take up heap space and when it is time to clean them up. Over JVM, you just need to write the code once and run it everywhere. Also, you have a run-through of automatic memory management.

JVM is used to perform detailed heap tuning to appropriately optimize performance. It’s not just the max (maximum) and min (minimum) processes. You can’t just rely on the automatic GC tuning for the optimal cleaning of young and old generations (which come under GC). You can perform detailed heap tuning for GC’s young generation, survivor spaces, etc.

Some of the common JVM parameters are –

NewSize, MaxNewSize, +UseParNewGC, +UseConcMarkSweepGC, +CMSParallelRemarkEnabled, SurvivorRatio, ParallelGCThreads


The monitoring section involves screens where all these above-written proceedings are captured and analyzed using adaptable performance tuning tools. The major ways of performing monitoring optimization are as follows:

  • Monitoring: Visual VM, This is a tool that provides detailed information about Java applications while they run on the JVM, for troubleshooting and application profiling as well.
  • Monitoring: Lambda Probe, you can use this tool to simultaneously monitor the old generation, perm generation, survivor space, code cache, Eden space for figuring out the memory usage, application details, data sources, deployment, logs, threads, etc.

To be Noted Analytics on Liferay Performance Tuning:

  • 7 out of 10 businesses reported a reduced site running time delay of less than 5 seconds after adopting the Liferay performance tuning best practice.
  • 100% of businesses experienced a relaxed and revised memory space without any glitches.
  • Site/application/page loading time reduction occurred by up to 26% compared to the earlier time.
  • Page increase in throughput was experienced to ~35%

Clearly, now you can decide yourself why Liferay Performance Tuning is the best choice for your portal-based requirements!

Recent Blogs

Top Benefits of a Customer Portal for Telecom Utilities

What is Digital Transformation? Why Is It Important

Why Businesses Needs a Modern Partner Portal in Digital Era?

What is a Digital Experience Platform (DXP)? Types & Benefits

Basically, a digital experience platform (DXP) is an emerging new term associated with Liferay. In the modern world, digital consumers expect to have a high-definition experience in even the slightest of activities. Coping with this demand isn’t easy, but there’s no way out. The brands must deal with providing unique digital transformations with DXPs.

Although DXP can be a single digital product, it may also be a suite of products with different functionalities. Here we will get to know the specifics about the DXPs and their know abouts in details

What is Digital Experience Platform(DXP)?

A software platform that is used to manage user experiences across a broad range of digital touchpoints A DXP (Digital Experience Platform) is a platform with the combined functionalities of data personalization, data integration, content management, and e-commerce. As a tool, it will help you craft smooth, personalized experiences, manage your brand’s social media (online) presence, and also monitor every change on a regular basis!

Ideally, DXP can be seen as one of the big things in traditional web content management systems. The reason is that they can be an infinite help in mapping the entire digital customer cycle to its core. Everything from content creation, measurement, and testing to its final deployment can be taken advantage of using different DXP-based functionalities. Overall, it contributes to the data management and user experience to help marketers process customer needs more smoothly.

Types of DXP(Digital Experience Platform)

DXP has the main task of providing a centralized way to manage customer digital journeys. Today, customers want an excellent level of user experience, even through the slightest of activities. Meeting this demand isn’t very easy at times. However, taking help from DDXP will make a lot of sense, as there are three different types of DXP based on the categories divided till date:


Basically, the CMS has its roots in the categories, viz., content management systems, portal servers, and commerce servers.


Content management in DXPs, they mainly focus on the audience segments, which are generalized based on the needs of the customer data needed by the marketing department and creative agencies. Basically, it solves problems related to the acquisition of customers, like raising general awareness about a product, giving exciting offers to redeem interest in a certain product, and targeting certain offers (often seasonal); all of these are done to accelerate the purchases of the business products.

Advanced CMS -based DXPs have great web-based analytical features. It also involves advertising and email campaigns, along with user segmentation. Some CMS-DXP have portal-like features, and some have commerce features, which are formed because of acquisition.

2. Portal-DXPs

It is related to nurturing sales-based, long-term relationships with customers. Portal DXP helps brands understand customer retention, loyalty, and favors towards their activities and products. This is helpful to calibrate the business metrics, which helps prepare the business strategies to achieve the predicted goals. You, as a brand, will be more able to provide customer service based on the analysis, including self-service portal solutions and an alternative (representative-assisted issue resolution).

3. Commerce-DXPs

It involves the care-abouts of e-commerce, online shopping, and relevant transactional processes. Commerce-DXPs provide product-related content delivery through e-commerce-based web interfaces. The features are flexible by providing certain capabilities for inventory management, digital experience management, shopping carts, payment integration, and checkout. especially the integration feature, because a nice and advanced e-commerce user experience requires extraordinary integration capabilities. And with the above-mentioned functions, you can leave a great impact on your customers with every product you use.

A quick comparison between all three types of DXP:

FeaturesCMS DXPPortal DXPCommerce DXP
Business TypeB2CB2B/B2CB2C
Industries involvedRetail, advertising, journalism, media and broadcasting, fashion & entertainmentRetail banking, manufacturing, insurance, and governmentRetail, music/entertainment, fashion, food, electronics, travel, hospitality, telecom
StrengthsEmail marketing,Real-time data analytics,Ad tracking, Budget trackingDeep system integration,
Improved customer experience,
Individual data storage,
Segment data storage
Smooth retail e-commerce transactions
WeaknessLikely Individual customer data/profile, Poor Customer serviceNegative traditional portal approach, Poor user experience, Poor mobile supportPoor content management system, No deep integration system, Lack support
Customer relationship stagePre-purchaseLead nurturing, qualification, onboarding, and customer servicePre-purchase, order fulfillment, returns

Digital Transformation with DXPs

The Key features of Digital Experience Platforms (DXPs) includes making a foolproof plan for mapping your requirements to your existing business goals. This is needed for analyzing the business perspectives associated with the existing competition. Whatever research you have done, you must validate it with the expert websites, like Gartner, etc., that are actively posting certain reports over current and futuristic market trends, etc.

Based on the ranking mentioned for the subjects there, you can better take the right action. Making up for the digital transformation with DXPs also implies evaluating vendor ecosystems and a reference-based case study of a similar business as well.

You’ll get to know their significance under the following section mentioned here:

Benefits of DXP (Digital Experience Platforms)

1. Customer experience

Just like we’ve mentioned, DXP is the demand of modern-era customers, and they are always looking for a better customer experience than usual. So, there’s always added pressure for smooth navigation for users of every type among the brands.

According to a report by Accenture, 76% of consumers expect companies to adequately understand their exact expectations and digital surfing needs. whereas 48% of the same consumers prefer the same brand more for an enhanced personalized experience.

2. Digital strategy

Be it any type of DXP, they provide highly analyzed and futuristic data-driven insights, reports, and records that enable organizations to know the core details related to their digital strategy implementation. Brands can easily optimize their business plans based on identical, real-time data. Moreover, you as a brand can benefit a lot in terms of budget allocation based on the integrated approach of real-time data and content.

3. Streamlined workflow

One of the Top benefits of digital experience platforms is that they streamline internal processes for content creation and management through a smooth, excessively centralized platform. You can simply use and control every touchpoint as everything will be in working mode through an integrated approach.

4. Content management

The future of digital experience platforms(DXP) depends a lot on a highly effective content management system solution. DXP offers agile CMS capabilities, allowing businesses to create and manage content across a varied range of digital channels. This will allow the businesses to respond easier and quicker, with details about market dynamics and customer preferences.

Wrapping words:

Finding the right DXP option according to your brand can be a complex task. You must be able to find the right service endeavor for your business perspectives. You can contact us, Aixtor Technologies, anytime for any sort of guidance related to the development of an integrated DXP product for your business. We’re always ready to help you with everything we have in our work frame!

Frequently Asked Questions

Why does DXP matter in your digital transformation journey?

The Digital Experience Platform can help you improve your omnichannel experience and provide customers with an enhanced user experience when navigating through different activities they perform while using the portal. It will also help with extending the data-driven marketing and customer engagement strategies, which you could consider for future business aspects based on more predictive and real-time data analysis.

How to know if you need a digital experience platform (DXP)?

If your business is going through the following perspectives of concern, then you must opt for advanced DXP technology to get more efficient with everything you are running on:

1. If your business operates through multiple touch points that your customers use to connect with your brand, then you must opt for a strong DXP option, which could help you update and deliver content more seamlessly.

2. If your business is facing challenges like inconsistent branding and messaging, then a suitable DXP will help you regulate the process. With its advanced technology and scheduling features, you can create a fully customized campaign for your business needs. and based on this, you can further reach your target audience in the required amount of time.

What to consider when choosing a DXP?

You can consider pointers where the DXP is able to provide certain functions and features like content management, asset management, customer relationship management, e-commerce and transaction management, real-time data insights and analytics, customer base data personalization and automation, API integrations etc.

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