Liferay DXP 7.4 New Features: Elevating Your Digital Experience for Maximum Business Outcomes

As businesses continue to advance their operations toward an online presence, the value of having an effective and versatile migrate cannot be overstated. Liferay DXP has been at the forefront of this movement, offering a powerful suite of tools to help enterprises streamline their digital operations. Complementing its many advantages, Liferay released the latest DXP version with more accessible and customizable options using low code/no-code capabilities. Whether you’re a professional Liferay user or are just considering the platform for the first time, Liferay DXP 7.4’s new features are here to empower you with optimized digital experiences.

Highlights of Liferay DXP 7.4 New Features

Companies today need to offer an engaging and efficient digital experience to their customers if they want to remain competitive in their industry. This is why Liferay DXP 7.4 is an invaluable asset for businesses, as it provides a comprehensive suite of tools and capabilities to optimize digital experiences. From low-code/no-code solutions to data-driven insights, the platform enables users of all technical levels to create, launch, and maintain modern digital experiences. Furthermore, this release is built upon the six key outcome-based themes to ensure that businesses can provide customers with a seamless buying experience. That way, companies can stay ahead of their competition and keep up with the ever-evolving digital landscape.

Liferay DXP 7.4’s New Features

Let’s take a look at the list of advanced features of Liferay DXP 7.4.

  1. Optimized digital experiences with data-driven insights
  2. Deliver rich digital experiences to customers
  3. Build seamless B2B buying experiences
  4. Access to low-code and no-code capabilities
  5. Affordable plans to o launch and maintain digital experiences
  6. Create a foundation for your interconnected enterprise landscape

Optimized digital experiences with data-driven insights

Now it’s possible to provide personalized, tailored experiences to your customers by leveraging user data to gain insights into user behavior. You can use these insights to tailor content and product recommendations to specific customer interests, helping to increase conversions and customer loyalty. The new feature ensures that your business can delight customers and drive business goals further.

  • A/B Testing: Apart from buttons and links, you get the option to select any clickable element on a page y when testing different variants of pages.
  • Content Dashboard: Get seamless content filtering with an upgraded Content Audit tool. You can now effortlessly sort your content list by simply clicking on one category in the graph, displaying only the content that’s categorized under your specified vocabulary. Moreover, you can get an all-in-one view of both your Web Content and Documents, from all your sites and Asset Libraries, all in one place and easily filtered by asset type.
  • Content Performance: Get insights into Organic and Paid search, social traffic, referrals, and more with detailed referring URL and domain information while taking direct traffic acquisition data from Analytics Cloud.

Deliver rich digital experiences to customers

Get all the features under one roof, from content management to experience creation, making it easier for you to create, manage, and deliver digital content to customers with high quality, efficiency, and scalability. It also helps in building your website search engine friendly.

  • Account Management Widget: No more restricted admin access. Deploy the tool on any page of the site and get access to Accounts, Addresses, Assign Users, and even manage Organizations, Groups, and Roles.
  • Display Pages: Besides creating Display Pages for Web Content, Documents, and Blogs, you can create them for Categories as well.
  • Experiences: Experience creation is much easier now. Duplicate them, save them as a draft, and even can change your default experience for the desired pages.
  • Fragments: Now build mega menus with new Dropdown and Menu Display fragments with ease. The new Dropdown fragment lists down all drop zones where you can deploy any other fragment or widget while the upgraded Menu Display fragment gives you access to Navigation Menus.
  • Navigation Menus: Get the option to use Display Pages on your Navigation Menus.
  • Page Audit: Easily integrate Google PageSpeed for SEO optimization and Accessibility compliance audit reports.
  • SEO: Map multiple content fields to SEO and Open Graph meta tag– fill the data dynamically with user content.

Build seamless B2B buying experiences

Convert leads to customers by configuring your solution that closely matches your prospects’ requirements. The upgraded Liferay DXP 7.4 helps you drive consistent sales by simplifying and streamlining your B2B buyer experience.

  • Order Type Pricing & Discounts: Change Pricing and Discounts with the altering order conditions.
  • Organization Management Widget: Get a visual representation of the complete structure of organizational accounts. For Sales Managers, it means easy sales network management while Agents and Account Managers can navigate their accounts with a visible network model.
  • Product Image Optimization: Liferay’s Adaptive Media technology ensures that the dimensions of your product images remain flexible and can adjust to fit any device, maintaining their visual appeal and impact.

Access to low-code and no-code capabilities

Low-code and no-code capabilities of Liferay’s Digital Experience Platform provide a visual interface to automate processes, making it easier to build applications without writing a lot of code. In other words, it allows even non-technical users to create digital experiences through drag-and-drop interfaces and pre-built templates.

  • Adaptive Media: Automatically select the most appropriate image size based on the viewport width in Content and Display Pages, including background images and fragment images. It also allows content authors to manually override the selection if necessary.
  • Collection Display: Improve performance and user experience with Pagination, giving you the liberty to filter, search, and sort content as per your need.
  • Collection Providers: Page Builders and Site Administrators will have access to filtering configuration, enabling the reuse of Collection Providers for different scenarios. You can also develop Collection Providers for sub-types of objects.
  • Forms: Forms now accept Boolean and Search Location fields. Get access to more properties with Confirmation Field for Text Fields, Masks for Numeric Fields, Validation for Date Fields, and the Hidden fields.
  • Related Items Providers: Display a list of interrelated items based on criteria such as Asset Entries or Blog Entries with the same Category, Categories for an Item, and Related Assets. Select Related Item Providers using the Collection Display fragment on display pages for assets, within collections of categories, and more.
  • Site Navigation: Site builders can now create sophisticated navigation for content-heavy sites by creating Display Pages for Categories, adding them as Navigation Menu items, and using the Dropdown fragment to build mega-menus without custom theme development.
  • Liferay Objects: Non-developers can create custom business objects through the UI with a low-code approach. The data model and custom layouts can be defined, and objects can have relationships with other objects, including system objects like User. Objects are deployed as administration widgets and Liferay forms can be mapped onto them. Object entries can be displayed as collections and individual details through Display Pages. New headless APIs, search functionality, and integration with other Liferay frameworks such as Workflow, Permissions, and Asset are also provided for advanced capabilities.

Affordable plans to launch and maintain digital experiences

Whether planning for a new digital experience or maintaining a current one, Liferay DXP 7.4 offers an integrated suite of solutions that can help businesses quickly build, launch, and maintain digital experiences on a range of devices, from websites to mobile apps. Get cost-effective plans to deliver personalization, content management, and more features for enhanced user experience.

  • Asset Libraries: Use Asset Libraries to store reusable content and create visually appealing Display Page Templates for web and document types. The Staging feature reduces the effort and costs of organizing content for multiple sites with isolated data.
  • Documents and Media: Directly embed YouTube, Vimeo, Facebook, and Twitch videos in Documents and Media, accessible as native documents by linking video links to a new document type. Manage document Filenames and titles separately for greater flexibility. Set expiration dates on documents, like Web Content, to prevent temporary publication issues.
  • Forms, Web Content, Documents and Media: Forms, Web Content, and Documents and Media now share a unified user experience for defining new Forms, Structures, and Types and creating new entries.
  • Item Selector: Streamline the process of uploading documents during content creation with Folder creation in Documents and Media.
  • JS Dependency Declaration: Create projects for the Liferay version by specifying the target platform, aligning with Java development.
  • Liferay Enterprise Search: Customers need Liferay Enterprise Search (LES) subscription to gain access to LES features and support.
  • Publications: With the new feature, users will have the ability to extend invitations to their colleagues to become part of a publication as viewers, editors, or publishers. Furthermore, they can work together by exchanging comments within the publication.
  • Search Re-indexing: System admins can restrict the scope of Reindex actions to specific Virtual instances.
  • Site Templates: It is a new feature added for better performance and flexibility. Partial Propagation only exports changed pages, saving time and resources. Propagation Exports are cached for efficient reuse and can be temporarily disabled during Template Changes and then re-enabled for site updates. This offers greater control and ease of use.
  • Staging: The feature got an upgrade with System Level configuration options that helps to control whether Parent pages are published with a published page and whether Asset Links are published with no selected content. The former helps when changes to Parent pages are not ready while disabling the latter reduces data exported, improving performance.
  • Theme Architecture: Improve page load performance by minimizing the CSS loaded per page. Additionally, theme changes no longer affect admin-only interfaces, simplifying custom theme development.
  • Translation: Translate inline content on Content Pages and Web Content Articles automatically using ML-based Google Cloud Translation. The tool enables easier progress tracking and improvements to the language selector UI.
  • Video and Audio Preview: The open-source library, Xuggler, which was used to generate audio and video previews is now replaced with ffmpeg.

Create a foundation for your interconnected enterprise landscape

Get a unified, centralized solution for creating and managing digital experiences across multiple touchpoints with Liferay DXP 7.4.

  • Accounts: Liferay has expanded the availability of Accounts, which were previously only accessible to users of Liferay Commerce. The feature allows businesses to deliver personalized customer service in all B2B setups. Administrators can now set up the relationships between companies, employees, and their responsibilities, enabling transactions, including purchasing goods and services. They can also store important information that supports these interactions, such as Tax IDs, billing and shipping addresses, and organizational structures to ensure smooth and efficient customer interactions.
  • Audit: Audit information can now be included in system logs through a new System Property, allowing administrators to trace which request or instance the audit output belongs to. The x-request-id in the response header can also be viewed using the browser Network tool for a complete view of the request life cycle.
  • Click-to-Chat: A subscription-based feature that allows easy integration with Click-to-Chat platforms, enabling site users to chat with customer service operators at their convenience. Supported providers include Chatwoot, Crisp, Hubspot, JivoChat, LiveChat, LivePerson, Smartsupp,, Tidio, and Zendesk.
  • Headless APIs: Introduction to RESTful web services for managing Users, User Groups, Organizations, Roles, and Accounts, including the ability to assign Roles to Users and set permissions. The service provides access to Pages, Fragments, and Page Experiences. Liferay also added new endpoints to display language selectors, manage content, document permissions, retrieve all versions of structured content, and create structured content as drafts. These endpoints can be used in custom administration apps to automate permissions changes and provide a comprehensive view of content, making it easier to manage and maintain your website.
  • Multi-factor Authentication: Extended support for FIDO2 devices, authenticating users for online services using their fingerprint readers or cameras on mobile or desktop devices, or with dedicated FIDO2 security keys. The result is a simple and secure way to access online services.
  • OAuth 2 Administration: Improved OAuth 2 Application Management allows registered applications to be configured as trusted, eliminating the need for manual authorization. The “Remember Device” feature enables administrators to remember user devices, which is useful for single-page applications that access features from registered OAuth 2 applications. It can also revoke all existing authorizations of a registered OAuth 2 application with a single click.
  • OpenID Connect: Configure OpenID Connect requests through a proxy using System Properties, and get access to improved Token Refresh for renewal of access tokens before they expire.
  • Remote Apps: Register remote JavaScript files as Web Components and a new Widget to display the apps as custom elements. This eliminates the need for deployment and allows front-end development to be separate from Liferay while still providing access to its APIs, pages, and more through the JavaScript Client SDK.

Enhance your digital strategy with Liferay DXP 7.4 new features

Liferay DXP 7.4 is an important release for businesses aiming at delivering a high-quality digital experience to their customers. With Liferay DXP 7.4’s new features, you can now build rich digital experience that is easy to use and maintain. It’s time to upgrade and experience enhanced features and functionalities with future-ready improvements.

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